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And you went and now you're back.'' Gilbert, who played Laura Ingalls in the classic TV series which aired between 19, revealed in her 2010 memoir how she struggled with drugs and alcoholism, underwent multiple plastic surgery procedures throughout her career and had a series of relationships with some of Hollywood's leading men - including Tom Cruise.

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'One of my friends says, 'You know, every once in a while we all have to go to the zoo. 'It was like, I lost my mind,' she told Page Six. The actress says she 'lost her mind' after the 2011 divorce from her second husband Bruce Boxleitner (pictured left), according to a recent interview with Page Six, and admitted that she got botox and fillers, bought a mustang and even got herself a younger French boyfriend, who wore a T-shirt that read 'Snatch' to a brunch at her mother's house. Gilbert, 58 - whose new book 'Back to the Prairie' details her life with current husband Timothy Busfield and moving to the Catskills - had recently told Fox News that she ditched plastic surgery and Hollywood expectations for the freedom of being in her own skin. Little House on the Prairie star Melissa Gilbert said she 'lost her mind, got botox and bought a Mustang' in the wake of her 2011 split from her second husband - long before ditching Hollywood for the simple life in the Catskills.

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